August 1, 2010

Pluto during one of his better days. :(

Pluto around Septmeber 2009.

I honestly never felt what I felt yesterday. It was a crazy mix of emotions. It all happened pretty fast but I feel somewhat at peace with it. He had been weak for a few months. He hadn't been eating normally - if at all. He was moaning in pain even when he just laid down. While on vacation in Myrtle Beach, my mother had stayed home so she can take care of him but every night she would call us and tell us how he's very sick. We couldn't believe how this crazy energetic dog got like this in a matter of months. When we came back from the trip I decided to go over my mom's house and see how Pluto was instead of going to my house. I slept next to him all night and prayed he would pull through. In the morning I called the vet and made an appointment for the same day. I took him to the vet along with me was my sister, my mom and my dad. My brother is currently on vacation so he wasn't present. At the veterinarian's office we took x-rays of his abdomen. The x-rays revealed a tumor located at his stomach. This tumor had spread to his chest. His gums were swollen and this was why he couldn't eat. The vet did tell us that he was starving but he couldn't eat because of his discomfort. He told us he would probably pass away sooner than later so we took the decision to euthanize him. :(. The doctor gave us a moment with Pluto while he was alive so we could say our goodbyes. It was the worse situation I've ever been in. I knew we were doing the right thing but somehow it felt wrong. I knew we should stop his pain and discomfort but somehow I wish there was different way. I decided to take out my cellphone and make a quick video of us in the vet room with Pluto before they put him to sleep. To see the video click here. The vet asked us if we would like to have him cremated and we did. He also asked if we would like to be present for the process of putting him to sleep. Me and my sister decided we wanted to be present. My parents couldn't handle it. They had to leave. The reason I wanted to stay was because, like my sister pointed out, I didn't want Pluto to see my entire family leaving and him still being alive staring at us go. I wanted to make sure that he goes in peace and I wanted to witness it. I wanted to hold him as he passed. The way it was done was that he was first injected with a drug to make him unconscious. Then he would be injected with the lethal drug that would eventually make his heart stop beating. As he was injected with the first drug I held his face and told him it would be okay and that soon he would feel no more pain. [It's so hard to write about this I must say it's taking me a long time :'(] Then after the first drug was injected he started getting sleepy and laying down on his side. His eyes eventually closed and his mouth basically hung on it's own. The hardest part was how at the moment he was getting sleepy I put my mouth next to his and he kissed me back. My sister did the same and it was the last time Pluto would lick us. :'(. Then after about 5-7 mins the vet came back in the room and asked us to help him lift Pluto on the table where the lethal drug would be injected. My sister lifted his backside as I lifted the center around his ribs and the doctor lifted his head. We laid him on the side and I put my hand on his heart and felt it beating. At this point my mom had to run in and see him again one last time. She grabbed his face and spoke to him and told him how he was the best dog ever, she would never forget him, he would be in peace now, he wouldn't feel anymore pain, etc. I just continued to keep my hand on his chest and felt his heart beat. My sister stayed behind him and pet him on his legs and stomach. The vet injected the lethal drug into Pluto's right hind leg into the vein. I slowly felt his heart pump less and less. After the entire injection of the drug was done the doctor grabbed the stethoscope and checked the heartbeat. He looked up at us and said something along the line of - "His heartbeat has stopped, it is now just basically shaking trying to continue to work but the drug will soon take fully over the heart." He then also said that we can stay as long as we like to say our goodbyes. We gave Pluto one last hug and kiss and left him on the table. It was the saddest thing I ever had to do. Nothing so far in my life has been as painful. The worst part is coming to visit my parent's house and seeing his chew toys and his food and water bowl and not seeing him! I still cry at random times and I am having such a difficulty writing this entry but I know I have to. I know Pluto is in a better place now. Whenever a friend was going thru a death in the family I would try to console them by saying "they're in a better place now". I never really understood what I was saying until yesterday. He really is in a better place. I don't regret staying and watching him get put to sleep and I never will as I am more at peace that I got that last min with him to say my goodbye and to tell him I love him and hug him and to tell him he's gonna be okay. I do miss his fat cheeks and his huge tongue and his big paws! I will honestly never ever forget him!

This is Pluto exactly one month before he passed away. See the difference in the weight compared to the video? :(

This is Pluto at the vet's office on his last day.

REST IN PEACE PLUTO. I LOVEEEE YOU sooo much! I hope you're okay and I'm glad you're not feeling anymore pain. You will never ever be forgotten! EVER!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss I have a 5 yr. old boxer and we love her so much. Pluto looked so adorable i'm sure he's looking over you guys.

MrzHighlife said...

Thank you so much it means alot that a stranger is commenting this and reaching out to me. It still hurts :( i hate walkin by other dogs :(

Anna said...

Hi, my dog died a week ago and I could understand how you're feeling right now. I'm as devastated as you are. You're not alone and yes, they're in a better place, smiling at us at the "rainbow bridge".

MrzHighlife said...

Hi anna. Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. I appreciate you reading about my story. I hope you feel better. I know how much it hurts to lose a great pet. :(

Taunya~ said...

I work for the Humane Society here in my county. All of us at the shelter know your pain. We wish every dog would have owners like you. I am so sorry for your loss, and your families. He was a gorgeous boxer, my brother has Lucy who is a 3 year old. Soon your tears will turn to memories of Pluto and things will get easier. Losing someone is never easy, but you did make the right choice. This was a beautiful thing you did for him. You put your selfishness behind and did what was right for your dog. God Bless all of you~

Anonymous said...

i hope this helps.

I owned a Pug/basset mix named Ginger, yes after the spice. She lived up to her name, as she added spice to our lives. She was the BEST dog i could ever have, and i still miss her to this day, she was my "baby girl". Anyways, She'd just turned 16, and she was getting up in years, and she also had kidney problems etc. I had to go to school at the time and i told my mom to do what she thought was best. well at 12 pm i knew my best 4 legged freind was at peace. i had said good bye to her that morning, and said "if i don't see you gingy, be a good dog in heaven. i know you don't have to try." I know she's sitting on the other end waiting for me. it does get easier with time, but you NEVER forget that dog, the memories i have with her are priceless...

Rest In Peace Ginger Marrie.
My Baby girl is Finally a Star in the Sky smiling down on me and saying "Mooom, don't cry, i'm happy!"

Anonymous said...

I have a cute 2 year old Border Collie mix, and I don't know what I would do without him. Im 16 and he is my baby, your story mad me cry. I am so sorry for your loss

Anonymous said...

I grew up with a brindle Boxer named Ginger and I started crying as soon as I saw your video. She was my best friend and the smartest, most amazing dog I have ever known. I lived in a small town and she was a local celebrity of sorts. Sometimes I would come home from basketball practice or school and Ginger would be gone and there would be a note saying something like "Took Ginger for a walk uptown, have her back in about an hour". She held on long enough for my first born to get to experience her magic. But soon after we had to put her down due to hip dysplasia. She could no longer walk and we should of put her down sooner because of the pain she was in. I will never forgive myself for making her suffer so just know that you did the best thing for Pluto and proved just how much you loved him. Anyone who says different is an idiot. I'm so sorry for your families loss.

Anonymous said...

im sitting here reading this sobbing my heart out!! me and my family are starting to have to think about this with our 19yr old cat and 16 yr old dog its heart breaking and i really dont know how im ever going to cope losing them both i respect you so much because i really dont know how im gnna b able 2 deal with it xx

Anonymous said...

I cannot stop crying for Pluto, for you and your family, for the pain he endured and the pain you endured watching him pass away. I don't think you made the wrong decision. I think you did what most people couldn't do. You chose to stop his suffering. I know a lot of animal activists think you just killed your dog, but what you did was out of love. I don't think I could have been there like you were. I admire your strength for being able to do that. I would have been crying so hard that it would have frightened the dog more. Bless your heart for being strong for your dog and for doing the right thing by ending his suffering. I am sure that God has given him a beautiful place to run and play and wait to see you again someday. Bless your heart and Plutos. :)

Violet said...

The same exact thing happened to my 6 month old German Shepard dog Maya. When I read this i poured my heart out with tears. I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what that feels. But now I know that she is watching over me and my falimy keeping us safe and waiting for us on that "Rainbow Bridge" Next to the gateway to heaven waiting for us. We all miss our dogs that have passed away.. I am crying as I type this because that is one of the hardest decitions a owner EVER has to make. I hope this helped. My youtube url is
I hope this helped you.
R.I.P Maya and Pluto
2-2-11... Keep on waiting at that gateway. Love you Maya <3333

Unknown said...

I know how it is to lose a family pet, well its more, a family member. I lost my dog Simba, a cream standard poodle when I was 17, and it was one of the hardest things to go through. I did not have to decide to put him down, he died on his own, at 9 years old. He was an epileptic, he had a seizure every once in a while but one night he had two and that was it, he was gone. I had a very hard time sleeping for a month, crying myself to sleep and taking sleeping pills just to sleep at all. After he passed away i got a dog tag made, in the shape of a heart. It says " in my hearts a memory and there you'll always be" its from the fox and the hound, but it is true, the memories of him live on in my heart.

Pluto is in a better place, pain free, no longer hungry, and having loads of fun, just like he did here before he got sick.

Anonymous said...

My condolences...It is never easy, and I know what you felt and are feeling. I lost my old ( 15) dog a few weeks ago. Very sad, and it was time.

High five to you for being courageous and compassionate to stay til the end. I did too, and will never regret it.

Unknown said...

yeah you did the right thing. I must say I somewhat get a little agitated when people act like robots when they put down their dogs. Showing emotion is humam. People that don't cry (including "manly" guys) when puting down their dogs probably have some deep emotional issues.
Girl I give you an A+ on how you handled it. I don't think it ends like this though.... I see elephants doing their somber rituals when a family member dies and I just got to think there's light at the end of the tunnel. I don't know what I believe but life is so precious something has got to make up for the awful feelings of the death

Anonymous said...

i admire you staying with him during the process. I couldn't do it with my dog. I tried to stay but the second I saw the needle, I ran out of the room before it happened while my sister and my husband stayed. im sorry about his death:-(

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry for your loss, its extremely sad when you have to get a pet put down, i have a rabbit with cancer and she's losing so much weight aswell. plutos a beautiful boy and is so lucky to have a great owner like you. it may seem hard but pluto would want you to be happy, like all other dogs im sure he loved to impress you all and make you happy, so try to show him just how happy you are by putting a brave smile on your face :).
he's in peace now.

Angelina said...

The main thing is: You gave him a life - a good life.. And you also gave him a very dignified death.

Those are trademarks of a very good dog owner. I am sure that Pluto knows this & you can be sure that he is very happy wherever he is.

My condolences!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this story with us. I'm sorry for your loss. We lost our dog in June and it was really tough. It hit me harder than I thought it would.

Beth said...

Oct. 29,2010 Was the day we had to lay our precious Zoe down. After months of cemo for lymphoma her fight was over. I held her in the back seat of the car along with my son to the vet's. Until that day she got around fine. The vet had continued to ease my fears as much as I loved her I did not want to be selfish.She was only 7 she looked much like your baby. She too was a beautiful boxer.

oana said...

You are such a brave person. I can image how hard its must for you to write all these things. I am in the same situation, but it is hard for me even to make this decision. I found my dog on the streets, she is very old and after I found her she had to be operated, because she was full of cancer and she got better but the cancer started to spread again in the last 4 months and now she is not able to walk anymore. Even though I know her for 4 months, it is breaking my heart and I dont know how I am going to cope with his. I did not even manage to decide whether to euthanize her or not.
I hope you are ok now and that you will soon be able to walk pass other dogs.

Bre said...

Very sorry for your loss. Later today my 11year old dog will be put down... i still can not believe it. I've been crying my eyes out since we found out he had kidney failure 2days ago. I was hoping that he'd be ok and that we could help him but we can't.... he's gotten skinny.. he stopped eating and hardly even drinks now..dealing with this is so hard. I wish i was as strong as you and able to be there when they inject hold him and tell him i love him... but i just can't handle it...even more so i wish it didn't have to end like this..I've never ever lost anyone that meant so much to me.. but i will soon...R.I.P Pluto.. take care of Mikey for me.

Alan said...

I read your entry on having to put your dog, friend, to sleep. May I offer you my sincere sorrow on your loss.I have had to do this 3 times & it never gets easier, but the first time was the worst thing I have ever had to do. I could not stop crying & wondered if I could ever leave the vets office. It is awful, as you know.I wrote a long letter to anyone who wanted to read it as you did & I think it helped me some to share. I have no one to share such a thing with & am glad you did. Well, let me say may God bless you all & know that someday we will be with our best friends again at the Rainbow Bridge. I believe so.
Best to you & your family, Alan

crittermomma63 said...

I learned the hard way that if you hold the dog during their last moments is it much easier on them. It only took me one dog to see that and now I hold each one in my lap when their quality of life is gone. I cried all the way through reading this and especially at the end of the video as he got the sad look on his face. All of the dogs I have or adopt are 50+ lbs and when I hold them they are very relaxed and calm during their final moments. It is a very hard thing to do but more humane than letting them suffer. Spending the last few minutes with you dog made him more calm and he probably felt like he had nothing to worry about. I call it being a responsible pet parent.

toeztocy2003 said...

Hi,Im glad you chose not to let him die from the tumor,its hard to euthanize out pets,makes us sad,but trust me its better than letting them die in pain.I had a Britney named Brick who lived to 16,he went blind and lame so I would carry him n wash him up every day.He was such a good dog,faithful an loving,I chose to stay with my dog while he was put down an I cried like a baby,never felt the hurt like that b4 and my heart only healed when I rescued Little Bear.hes such a sweet little dog,whos older owner passed away leaving him 2 days with him,till someone found him.So if ya havent got another dog please do,there are so many that need love like you have.hugs,your dog was beautiful an im sure he would want you to love another pup or old dog like you did him

Anonymous said...

I know what you meant when you said you somewhat found peace afterwards..this was my story if your interested. I know exactly how you feel...=( My most recent blog about my dog Milo

rosie said...

I first saw the video you posted on youtube on pluto, few minutes b4 he was put to sleep..i cried my eyes out actually. Very sad. I also have a dog who's 12 and I keep thinking about the day, and i feel sooo low sometimes.But its what everyone will face someday or another <3 Well, all i can say is Pluto is now in a better place and hopefully one day you'll meet him again on the other side <3

chrismaster1 said...

I know how u feel. I had to do the same to my dog but unfortunately I wasn't able to be present when my dog was put down. But I was very close to my dog and I miss her everyday, hope you feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

I don't know you at all, but I know the pain you are feeling. Our 16 year old Golden/Great Pyrenees mix had the same problem and he deteriorated very quickly. Our vet also said he would be better off put to sleep and we agreed because we could see he was miserable. I stayed with him, also. I can tell you after a while you remember all the fun you had together and all the funny things he did and the grief subsides, but the good memories never go away. God bless you and your family for giving him a loving home and doing what was best for him at the end.

Richie said...

Wow i am sorry for your loss. I cried reading your story. I love all kinds of all animals, and i know what pain you went through. God bless you and your family. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

i salute you girl. when i read your story i cant help but to feel envy. because when my bichon frise kaira died 3years ago, i wasnt there. not because i left her for something, its because i have to leave her in the hospital, for the vet told me its is the best thing to do for her.i felt so guilty because i know, when her time comes, she is looking for me and she wanted me to be there. i know how much my kaira loves me,and it is so painful for her to leave without me. i hope she forgives me already. ilove her from the bottom of my heart. very decision ive made i always consider, im writing u this comment sobbing with tears...lying in my bed with 3 cute bichon frise dogs with me..kaira's children. Glory, her daugther is now staring at me. she is licking up my tears!!!i know only few will understand me, but for those who does.thank you.Godbless you girl.

pipjake said...

I feel so sorry for your loss. I'm glad that you stayed with Pluto until the end. I did it with my dog Jake. It's a hard thing to do, but it's best for your beloved. I don't like to think of a frightened animals last thought being,' where are you, I need you by my side?' It is a time when you must put your pets feelings before yours, and it is a loving and selfless act to do. Below is a lovely poem, I hope everyone who has had to put their pet to sleep, will like it.


If it be I grow frail and weak, and pain should wake me from my sleep, then you must do what must be done for this late battle can't be won. You will be sad, I understand. Don't let your grief then stay your hand. For this day more than all the rest, your love and friendship stand the test. We've had so many happy years, what is to come will hold no fears. You'd not want me to suffer so, when the time comes, please let me go. Take me where my needs they'll tend, only stay with me until the end. And hold me firm and speak to me, until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you too will see, it is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, from pain and suffering I've been saved. Do not grieve that it should be you, who has to decide this thing to do. We've been so close we two, these years, don't let your heart hold any tears.

Arne - Germany said...

sorry for your loss. Reading it brought tears in my eyes.

I have a Boston and knowing I will once face the same situation is already now in my mind.

Hope I find your strength by then.

Your dog had a wonderfull owner.

Lots of respect and love.

Dimple said...


Sorry for your loss.

My dog had to be put to sleep on Tuesday as he was sick. He was only 8 years old and I miss him so much. I wasn't there with him as it all happened so fast and I was at work in a different city. I really wish I was - I just want one more cuddle from him.

RIP Jimmy... love you forever and always. x x

Savannah said...

Hi, My name is Savannah, And im 13.. I read your story and I started crying. My eyes were red... I feel SOOO Bad for your loss and understand your pain. I have had to witness 2 dogs being put down. *Anna and Domino* both being my best friends I still cry about them every night..

Savannah said...

Hi, My name is Savannah, And im 13.. I read your story and I started crying. My eyes were red... I feel SOOO Bad for your loss and understand your pain. I have had to witness 2 dogs being put down. *Anna and Domino* both being my best friends I still cry about them every night..R.I.P Anna,Domino, And Pluto<3

janna said...

I put down my baby Jan 19,2009. To this day, I have never had to do anythng more painful. I laid with her on the vets floor with her blanket and I just loved on that face of hers..after the vet did his injection,& she was in my arms I kept saying, your such a good girl....mommy loves you....but the truth is I had to make a choice, keep her around a lil bit longer,and she would be in pain? Or kill her??? A part of me really whishes that I would have made the selfish choice. I knew in that momment, I was forever chaged. I just lost my best friend, the one thing in this world that really loved me NO matter what.As sad as this is going to sound, it's the truth. I beleive that on my death bed, I will be greeted by my Tristi Girl, she waiting on me to come home.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss,I lost one of my dogs when she died in my parents bedroom on december 10 2007,she was my best friend,I never had to but my dog down,though I might have to do that with my baby "bree",she is a lab mixed with a pitbull,she has cancer and thyroid problems,she is 13yrs old,but such a sweetheart. your dog Pluto is adorable,and I bet he was loved a lot.I'm really sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I watched a little of your video.i really feel for u x yr dog was so lovely.i lost my beautiful springer,Sam to old age in aug 2010.Its still very roar & to enter the new year without him was pure hell.I just by chance watched marley&me.Never seen it before,went into tears!your Pluto was lovely.he will always be "around" looking after you.i called a psychic to see how Sam was doing.She said he was free of everything and even described his gruff bark and his flat,furry feet!(he died aug mistake)So rest in peace both Pluto & Sam xxxx We will love you both always X

Anonymous said...

Sadows said...

I am sorry about your loss I know how it feels to have a dog die except the hard away I know your sad as well as I am My dog died because stupid ass drug dealers threw poisoned meat in our back yard our dog ate it and it killed him I have had special friends die as well from birth to kid years to teenager years I just know You can never ever replace a best friend or family member like your dog Pluto

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a shih tzu named Rachel who we had to put down last year due to complications from bladder stones. It's been over a year and i still feel so broken. We took a final video and tons of pictures from her last day that I don't have the strength to look at.

yaanni said...

Hello dear, I reached here after watching your video on youtube. I have to say that I was crying and am still crying having read this. I can understand and yet can't understand the decision you had to take. It kills me to even think of such a moment. It must be a very taxing moment when you see your faithful loyal friend being injected with a lethal drug and know fully well that he will die in 3-4 minutes. I can imagine the dog still trying to sniff you, tyring to lick you, tyring to make sense of this setting and then slowly slipping in an everlasting sleep. And I now break down again here. I have a Lab and I love him like my son - he even sleeps with me. I feel so strongly connected to him all the time - I just can't have my meal without giving him a bite or two and I love his antics. I hope you went to have another pup as your companion since I know once there's been a dog in the house it can never be without it. I wish you and your family the very best for your life. TC.

Kisara said...

I completely understand what you're going through. I told my mom about a dog that needed a home and my mom and the owner of the other dog contacted each other and spoke about the dog's history. The dog's name was Bailey and she was about a year old and she was a pit bull. The owner of her, I don't remember her name, gave my mom and I the impression that they had her since she was a puppy and that they just needed to get rid of her because they were moving into a smaller place that didn't allow pets. The lady said she was really sweet and all that other kind of stuff. The lady brought her right over the next day(I was gone so I couldn't wait to get home) and my mom got right down by her face and got licked to death. She came with a kennel, Dog food, leash, food and water dishes, a blanket for her kennel, a chain collar, and a rope. We were under the impression that she was a great dog. We didn't have her for even a week yet and she was getting really aggressive towards my mom and would NOT let me out of her sight. My mom told me every time I left, Bailey would go in her kennel and stay there until she heard anyone coming up the stairs(we live in apartments and upstairs sucks lol). She did NOT like any male no matter what. She would instantly growl and her hair would instantly stand up. I was taking her outside to go potty and it was dark and my mom started walking up to us and we were talking the entire time and Bailey started growling and her hair started to stand up from the base of her head all the way to halfway down her tail she started to go after my mom and I had to pull her back and tell her no. She started staring my mom down and so my mom said screw this and turned around to leave and Bailey went to lunge at her and I had to yank her back, otherwise she would have gotten my mom. I told my mom she had to call the lady and figure out the real story about Bailey. When my mom called the next day, I was at school and all the way in Redding when she found everything out and she told me when I got home I need to bring my best friend with me because she had some really bad news. Well, I thought she ran away or chewed some stuff up or something like that. (This is really hard for me to write because I've NEVER had a dog follow me like she did and my mom and I both got REALLY attached to her within the very short time we had her) Well, come to find out that Bailey was beaten, and sent from home to home and had tried biting the kids of the lady we got Bailey from. Whenever my mom was getting a cigarette, Bailey would run to her kennel.

Kisara said...

If she even saw a pack of cigarettes she would cower down and run and hide. That's when we first started wondering if the lady was telling the truth. The lady that gave her to us KNEW Bailey had a bad history and yet she still let us have her and she let my mom get right in her face! Who could do that to someone knowing the dog had tried biting someone already? My mom contacted so many people trying to find out if there was any way to do anything, but it was too late and she already had a major mean streak in her. I was so sad when my mom told me all this and then she just really made it horrible when she said that the lady was coming in a few hours to take her and Bailey to get her euthanized. I INSTANTLY started crying and didn't want to believe that she was going to be put down. I couldn't handle going, so my mom went and she had to go into the vet before they took her in to get her a muzzle ='( the only thing my mom got to tell me was that she laid on the floor with her until her heart stopped beating. I didn't want to hear anything else. Hearing that was even too much. We got a 4 month old puppy that looks EXACTLY like her, but male and shorter. If he was another girl, I think we would have named him Bailey. We still have everything from her and it's all for him now. His name is Margera (Like Bam Margera from Jackass, I came up with that name) and he looks so much like her that my mom and I have actually called him Bailey a few times. It really makes me sad and at the same time makes me mad to know that people are cruel to animals and people automatically think pit bulls are horrible dogs. We now have three and they are amazing dogs.It's all in the owner and how the owner raises them. People just don't understand that. Anyways I just wanted to say I know your pain, although I didn't go with Bailey and I probably should have because I think she trusted me the most over anyone else she was around. ='( I wish I could have gone with her when I think about it. I still cry all the time.

Fartzilla said...

I understand how much you loved Pluto. I have a dog too. Her name is Maddie and she is 13 years old. She is everything in the world to me. One night I had a really strange and scary dream about her. I asked my folks where she was, and my dad told me she was dead. At first I didn't believe it, but then he told me again. Finally it sank in, and as you can imagine, I started to cry. Ever since then, I have never taken her for granted. I am happy to say she is still alive and well. I am very sorry for your loss. :(

Anonymous said...

I feel soooooo bad for you!

seo in hyderabad said...

my dear dog died on feb 2nd of and heart failure it was with me for 9 years. She was effected with CHF i know how it feels when a dear ones leaves us

RDK said...

I'm so very sorry to know about your loss. I just went through it last week, and it's true, only those who have actually been through it can really know what it's like and relate. I have to say, it's been a roller coaster of regret, anger, sadness. But as the days go by, it is becoming easier to remember the good times, and impact they had which I think is important. I hope you have stayed strong and continue to inspire others who are just going through it.

Hansel Torres said...

I so Sorry for you loss, i know what is like to loose a great friend, part of the family, i lost my went i was a child 14 now i 22 and still have the same love for him, god bless you guy's R.I.P. PLUTO

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for you loss this absolutely made me cry, i went through the exact same thing but with two dogs. God bless your sweet baby, and yes he is in a better place now. I have to keep reminding myself also!! What a beautiful sweet dog.xoxoxox may he rest in peace and love now.xoxox

Anonymous said...

im sooo sorry!! i have a dog named Diva Prada and if i lost her it wuld be soooo sad even me not knowing u it touched my heart so I HAD to post a comment to you!!! stay strong he is heven and watches over you!!1

Danny said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Danny It's easy to talk like that on the internet but I know for a fact you don't have the jam to say it in person. You are a looser and everyone knows it. And Never mind replying I'll never be back to this site again I just happened on it. You need forums like this cause you lack the back bone to act tough in the real world. Tough guys don't mess with places like this they don't need to. I feel sorry for you , no I pity you cause you are just a little boy trying to act tough and everybody thinks you're just a little whimp

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey Danny It's easy to talk like that on the internet but I know for a fact you don't have the jam to say it in person. You are a looser and everyone knows it. And Never mind replying I'll never be back to this site again I just happened on it. You need forums like this cause you lack the back bone to act tough in the real world. Tough guys don't mess with places like this they don't need to. I feel sorry for you , no I pity you cause you are just a little boy trying to act tough and everybody thinks you're just a little whimp

Anonymous said...

I'm feelin' so sorry for you..
Tears are running down my cheaks.
I went through the same thing a few years ago. It still hurts 'cause dogs are the worlds most wonderfull creatures.
Rest in peace dear Pluto!
With loce from the netherlands

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your lost.

Logic82 said...

I recently came across this as my wife and I have just come to terms with the fact that we have to put our Golden down after having him for 13 years, since he was a puppy. The feeling inside is wrenching and reading this helped me to prepared a little bettter. I had heard horror stories and was debating it but he has congestive heart failure and has lived over a year on it with little medication. Over the last 2 weeks he as been getting worse and worse not being able to eat or hold anything down. We have tried multiple medications and he is still losing weight. What makes this so hard is he was my rock when I got home from Afghanistan. I want to thank you so much for doing this blog as it has helped me to realize that this is what is best for him and not myself. Thank you again for doing this as it does help people.

Anonymous said...

I as well had come across your site. I have to come to terms of putting my dog to sleep. Her liver is dramatically failing and within a month her numbers have tripled. This has helped me come to terms with whats best for my dog. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I truly understand what you guys went thru. I happened to see your video in YouTube while browsing for videos to prepare oneself when the time comes when your beloved pet crosses over to the other side. Your post made me cry, I'm still crying now while writing this cause I know I will also be in the same boat as you guys. My dog is dying too. He has cancer (Mesothelioma), he had surgery + chemo but the cancer was aggressive and and it spread to the bones. He's in pain & hardly eating/drinking. It pains me to see him suffer. I know I have to put him to sleep soon to ease his pain. I cannot bear life without him but I know its much better for him so he will be forever pain free & happy. I pray that your pet is happy in heaven & is another angel watching over us. My baby will join him soon & I hope I will be in peace with my decision. Take care & God bless.

Lexy's Mother

Anonymous said...

I am sobbing at your story, so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight and rest in peace.

Mari said...

My names Mari and I know exactly how you feel. On the 26th was the 1 year anniversary of the death of our cat. We had to put him down because of a tumor in his leg. It hurst so much he wouldn't eat. On his last night with us he slept with me. He would softly bite me telling me he was in pain. The next morning I had to go to school and my mom put him down while I was in school. When she picked me up she wrote a note (as the cat) saying things like never forget me, and I didn't mean to bite you and I love you. I was in shock so I didn't realize what this meant. I cried for the 2 weeks and then I just would cry at night just thinking about him. I still cry about him occasionally. R.I.P Fatz<3
I know exactly how you feel<3


Anonymous said...

I just read your sad story. I too had to put to sleep my Jessie 9 yrs ago due to throat cancer. I never got over her leaving me and I cry often still. She was a black lab, sister of Bosco.She was my special friend and am crying as I write this. I feel for you.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for sharing your story it must of been so hard and difficult to write down and record what happened,
The reason I came across this is because we are faced with a similar situation as our beautiful boxer boy who's nearly 10 is suffering and does not eat much or go toilet.he seems like he's aged years in the last 3 months he's on YouTube only a few months ago running round like crazy, he's under crazy 3 legged boxer. But now he's slow and in pain me and my partner are seriously going to have to think about putting him to sleep. I don't want him to suffer and even though it would be so hard to see you have made my mind up to stay with him till the end so Thankyou chic xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I just put down my 16 year old Lab mix. It somehow eases the pain to know that other dog owners have had to deal with the trauma of a pet dying.

Maryanne said...

My heart goes out to you. 2 months I had to put my beautiful brindle boxer to sleep, she was only 5 yrs. old. She had a brain tumor. She took a largs piece of my heart with her.
Having had dogs my whole life and having to faced this more than once doesn't make it easier.
Yet I will continue to adopt dogs because life is empty without them.

Unknown said...

I had a Boxer, Dolly. She was 4 and half years old when I had to have her put down. I think she had a brain tumor because she quit walking and when she did stand, her legs would collapse and she was shrieking in pain. In a matter of 4 days she went from bouncing with energy to crying, moaning and shrieking. It was the worst time of my life when I put her down. It still is hard totalk about...2 years later.

cmoorenum1 said...

it hurts to see our fur babies when they are not doing well. Had to put them down before a wirefox terrier and Yorkshire......I miss them deeply you will always have the pictures and the memories. they will always remain in your heart forever

Unknown said...

Im sorry for your loss. His in such a better place waiting for you. His probably playing with my babies that have passed away last year! :) I went through trauma, I've lost it completely when I lost my first yorky shes been with us for over 16 years and my Chihuahua passed away 10 days later, shes been with us for 17 years. Then my little rat 2 months after, I had to put him down he wasn't well.... :( Worst year of my life. I love talking about them though, makes me happy! :)

Visit me if you want:


Dog lover said...

You are a troll. Fuck you