August 11, 2010

Sick day.

I was walking to the train this morning so I can get to work when I started feeling sick. I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts to get some breakfast and hoping I'd feel better (after all, I do run on Dunkin'). But that didn't help either. So I called out and came back home. I played some Call of Duty, Photoshopped, and just laid with my babies - Pinky and Camora.


I still have to go work at my other job at 4PM but it's all good because I'll be well rested.

I think I will be going back to bartending and school. My ideal world.

Oh BTW: YOU MUST MUST ABSOLUTELY MUST see the documentary "Sicko" By the genius mind of Michael Moore. This guy is remarkable! Total eye opener and life changer! 5 STARS!!

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