November 18, 2010

We are not swans - We are sharks.

Now this is going to be a little difficult, so stay with me.

How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second you are carrying a backpack. I want you to pack it with all the stuff you have in your life and start with the little things the shelves, the drawers, the knickknacks: then start adding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, your TV – backpack should be getting pretty heavy now – and you go bigger. Your couch, your car, your home – I want you to stuff it all into that backpack.

Now let's say you burn the back pack. Kind of exhilarating isn't it? - to start all over with nothing? 

Now i want you to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office, and then you move to the people that you trust with your most intimate secrets, your brothers and sisters, your children, parents, and finally your husband, wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend – and get ‘em into that backpack – feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake; your relationships are your heaviest components in your life. all those negotiations and arguments and secrets are compromising. The slower we move, the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. Some animals were meant to carry each other to live, symbiotically over a lifetime, star-crossed lovers, monogamous swans –

We are not swans, we are sharks. 

- "Up In The Air" Backpack speech given by George Clooney's character, Ryan Bingham. 

I just recently saw this movie. At first, when it came out in theaters most of the people I knew, said it was a horrible movie and I'm going to waste my time seeing it. After so long since the release of it I finally decide to see it and see what the fuss is about. I mean the ratings speak for themselves:

Best site for movie reviews/ ratings. I check every movie there before seeing it - EVERY MOVIE. 

Now, this movie was incredible. I have no words to describe how well put together it was. I love movies like these that have such a positive effect on me. I was moved by The Backpack Speech given in the movie. I just wanted to whip out a notebook and write all the witty lines the characters would say. Also, Jason Reitman was in it and Anna Kendrick. They are both awesome in my book. And actress Vera Farmiga played such a hot part in the movie.

This movie is a must see. I was disappointed at how long I let it go until I finally saw it. 

Now for other movies I absolutely love and had a positive effect on me: 

"500 Days Of Summer" - This movie. The editing was just beyond outstanding. The actors were so fit for their parts. And actress Zooey Deschannel put on the best performance for her character. I almost hated her for her mean performance which fit the movie. I can watch this movie over and over and over again.  

This movie here is just no way to describe it than out of control. The storyline is just so unique and so fresh it grabbed me right away. At first I was worried that it's going to be a confusing movie since there was a lot of back and forth going on. - (you'll understand when you watch it.) But definitely recommend this one. Especially for those of you who are into psychology and how the mind works.

Okay, first off, I am a HUGE Leonardo DiCaprio fan - HUGE! I loved everything he did from sitcoms when I was younger to some of his first movies like "What's eating Gilbert Grape"  and "Basketball Diaries". -( "Basketball Diaries" will get it's own special picture next up on the list). So this movie, "The Departed" just has it all. Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson and a crazy twisted story all into one movie? YES PLEASE!

  For this one, let's just forget about's rating because that doesn't matter here. I saw this movie on a hot summer drunken night coming home from hanging out and it was playing on TBS. I had nothing to watch, saw that my future husband, Leo is the main character and my fingers stopped flipping the channel. I was sucked in! Immediately sucked in! The movie recieved that bad rating on because it's mainly about drugs and how badly it can affect you. Okay that was a horrible way to describe it but honestly this movie was so good that I went to Blockbuster the NEXT day and rented it. Now, keep in mind I never go to Blockbuster. So I rented it and watched it about 3 times in a row. Leonardo acts his character with sooo much passion and so much emotion. It amazes me how well he portrays who he is supposed to portray. He portrays a young boy who's on the schools basketball team. In order for him to play better and just act crazy on the court he starts taking drugs. He moves on to bigger and worse drugs and ends up doing some bad things to get these drugs. This movie is SO good! PHEW! Now that I'm done ranting about Leo. Moving on.

Now we can look at the ratings again. This cartoon, yes cartoon, is so inspiring. I know it's a kids movie but I did not expect it to be this good. Luckily I have a very adventurous boyfriend who always wants to experience something new. So we went one boring night to see this movie and I really recommend it!

This movie here I had to watch for a psychology class. I ended up falling in love with Jack Nicholson as an actor because of this movie. I watched it again about 5 more times in my lifetime and each time I feel like it gets better and better. Jack Nicholson plays a man who did a bad crime and ends up pleading insanity and gets thrown into a mental ward where he has to prove he really is insane, which he isn't. So it becomes a great storyline as everything unfolds.

Okay, I know I have lot's more favorites but I can't seem to think of anymore. Check these movies out and let me know what you all think. Any further questions about the movies let me know. :D


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