November 29, 2010

Dexter Morgan. - intoxicating.

This man is a sex bomb, among other things.

I have to do a post on this show. Dexter is on Showtime every Sunday at 9pm.  I have been more then obsessed with this series since about last year. It is so interesting, so inspiring and literally keeps you on edge with every episode.

I have been hearing about this show and how good it is from every human around me. All they would say though was that it was about a "guy who goes around killing everyone." This is a horrible description for the show. So, I never really gave it a chance until I started using Netflix and could watch it instantly on the laptop.

I finished watching all the seasons on Netflix and I was dying for season 5 to start this past September. Finally when it started again I was a happy camper. 

So to give you an idea about this show, I got some help from wikipedia. Dexter is basically a vigilante. He works for the Miami Metro Police Dept. so that gives him easy access to criminals. Since he was a young child he discovered he had it in him to be a serial killer. His father, a police officer, noticed this when Dexter was still young and to keep his son from becoming a serial killer he taught him a "code" to follow when needing to kill. This code is basically known as "The Code of Harry". Harry being Dexter's father. The code basically says that Dexter must follow these key points:

1) He must only kill murderers.
2) He must execute his crimes as to never get caught.

Throughout the entire show you hear a narration by Dexter himself. This voice, he calls his "Dark Passenger." The dark passenger is his inner self. His father also taught him to disconnect from human emotions and keep to himself. This is to not let anyone in on his secrets. The entire series is too good to put into words. I am fascinated by crime scenes, blood, justice and Michael C. Hall. This show has it all!

I say give this show a chance and you will thank me later. 

Good sites to watch these shows on:

Or just message me, I can put them on your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, external hardrive, laptop, etc for free. They are on my Time Capsule.

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