October 27, 2009

The day my earth stood still.

A few weeks back I had intolerable upper abdominal pain. I called out of work and went to see a doctor. I went to a regular doctor with a sub-specialty of gastroenterology since I was having abdominal pain. That day, for some reason, the doctor decided to give me a full body physical. Turns out she found a "suspicious lump" in my right breast. I had to return for a sonogram. After the sonogram rated it a 4 on a scale of 1-4 (4 being the worse), I had to go do a biopsy. Biopsies are HORRIBLE! Go google ultrasound guided needle breast biopsy. Insane procedure. It's basically for the doctor to go into the lump with a needle and suction a piece of the lump so they can test it and see if it's something serious or not.

Well today I got this done. I was freaking out like hell last night. I couldn't even eat anything. I was scared! I got to the hospital and waited to be seen. You know how usually there's a long wait to be seen by the doctor? Well, I didn't care. I wanted to wait forever. After waiting and waiting and more waiting I finally got taken in. I was walked over to the operating room. Just walking in there was insane. I burst into tears when I saw the room with the needles, the white bed, the bright lights, all the containers. Here's what the operating room looked like:

I got on the bed and laid down, face up. I felt so fearful of what was to come. There's no words to describe that feeling of the vulnerability I was feeling. The doctor finally comes in and puts on her gloves and her blue surgical robe. I was awake the entire time. I laid there with my arm up and my face turned away. I did not want to see anything. I know there was a LOT of blood. The doctor had to go back in literally about 9 times with 9 different needles because she couldn't puncture this lump. She described it as trying to stick a needle into an apple floating in a bucket of water. She just couldn't get the needle through. After what felt like a hundred tries she finally got a good sample. She said she will be sending that into the lab and I will get the results in one week. On Tuesday I should be able to call and get my results. I'm not worried about what it is yet I know I'll be relieved once I find out it's nothing serious.

Right now I'm in so much pain it sucks. I hope this gets better sometimes soon.

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