September 5, 2009

The first day of the rest of my life.

I was contemplating where I should begin writing from. Which point of my life is most important and start from there. After a long while of trying to figure it out I came up with an idea. I decided why not start with today! After all, today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Here is some background info on me. It will help you understand the stories I write and characters in the story. Everything is all real and nothing is made up. I am proud of my life. There was once an army commercial which said, "If you were to write a book about your life, would anyone want to read it?". Well, I feel like yes, someone would love to read the story of my life. So here it goes...

I am a 22 year old with everything up my sleeve and every trick in my bag. I am an enthusiast for everything I do.

In 2006 upon graduating High School, I started going to St. Joseph's college. I majored in business since I didn't know what to major in. I have to admit that I ended up dropping out of this school just because of accounting. The class made me nuts. It literally mixed my brains. I found myself dreading the class and looking for every excuse not to go. I ended up cutting more and more and failing more and more. Around December of that same year I completely stopped going to college. Pretty bad I know. I didn't even withdraw or give any sign of not wanting to continue which left me with about $4,000 owed to this school which I am still paying to this day. Great waste of money. I could have bought myself a whole new wardrobe. Anyway, so for the rest of the year I became a couch potato and found myself glued to a combination of my bed and my couch. After countless Maury shows and Jerry Springer shows I decided to network and meet people. In 2005, while in high school I worked for this clothing store. I was really good friends with a co-worker, we'll name her Jennie. She kept in touch with me through out the years after leaving the job. She mentioned to me the name of a school which you can go to for about a year and become a Medical Assistant. I was a little intrigued at the fact that you can actually go to school for a year and become something but I wasn't too much for the idea of not going to college. I continued to get more and more sucked in to my couch until I met a friend of my mother named Mona. Mona was this fancy lady who always wore nice clothes, had a nice house and also drove a nice car. Her husband was the same. They also had a son who was my age and doing a whole lot more then I was. This lady Mona, after getting more comfortable with her, I ended up finding out that she is a Medical Biller and Coder and has been doing it for a number of years. She started telling me about it and I became fascinated. I learned that the school that Jennie had given me also trains you for Medical Billing and Coding. I decided to go right away.

I called up the school and spoke to a counselor named Cliff. Cliff took me on a tour around the school and introduced to me the type of programs they had and the different hours I could do. I ended up deciding to do weekend classes from 9am to 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays. I started the school February of 2007. In literally February of 2008 I was done with the school and a certified Medical Biller and Coder. During the middle of the school year once I got more knowledge on coding procedures I decided to already look for a job. I sent out my resume and received a few calls back and even got a few interviews. In October of 2007 I started working in an eye doctor's office as a Optometric Technician. I loved it and to this day I am still here. However, I decided I needed a job more about Billing and Coding and less about assisting the doctor. So I went on a search. I ended up getting a job in Manhattan at an eye surgeon's office. I started in January of 2009 and I'm continuing to maintain both jobs. I love what I do.

As for my personal life, I live with my boyfriend, Edie. My high school sweetheart you could say. And my Junior high school crush. I am very much in love and very very happy. I also live with my chihuahua, Pinky and Edie's pitbull, Camora. I have a side hobby of photography and I love exploring. I love going to the city with Edie and taking pictures. I love going to things like museums and exhibits and wax museums. I love going to movies and eating out at different restaurants. We always make an adventure of our day.

Now that you have the history on me I will continue to post the present events.

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